Last month, we looked at ways you can improve your diet to help you stay fit and well this winter, boosting your immune system to help you fight off those winter colds.
Winter bluesThis month, we’re taking a look at other ways to stay healthy and avoid the winter blues. There’s plenty you can do to enhance your wellbeing, from simple steps to changes in habit. Heres’ our top ten tips to give your body a welcome winter boost:
1. Drink plenty of fluids – you might not feel the need to drink as much water as you do in the summer, but your body, and your gut, still needs you to stay hydrated. Try herbal teas as a soothing alternative to coffee, or try juicing as a great way to stay hydrated and make sure you get all the vitamins and minerals your immune system needs, all in one tasty glassful.
2. But don’t drink too much – try and take it easy at all those festive parties. It’s great to let your hair down, but too much alcohol can wreak havoc with your digestive system. Look out for our next blog about the effects of alcohol on your gut.
3. Exercise – it’s not as easy, or as tempting, to head to the gym or take part in sports in the cold, grey winter months, but your body will thank you for it. Regular exercise will stop you feeling sluggish, boosting your energy and filling you with feel good endorphins
4. Get outside – a good bracing walk on a cold crisp day will not only break the stir-crazy confines of your home or office, it will also make you feel great and really boost your immune system. The world can be beautiful in the autumn and winter so don’t get stuck inside; get out and explore!
5. Open a window – even if you can’t get out into the fresh air, it’s worthwhile letting the fresh air in. Opening a window may sound like a crazy thing to do when it’s cold, but stale, artificially heated indoor air is a breeding ground for bugs. Ventilating, even for a few minutes a day, can make a huge difference.
6. Hibernate – the longer winter nights are a great time to get to bed early and top up your sleep. Experts says that while we get an average of just 6½ hours a night, adults should get 7-9 hours. So snuggle down in your lovely warm bed and catch some zeds. An early night will cut your heating bills too!
7. Calm down – studies have shown that stress can inhibit your immune system, so don’t let all that festive hassle get to you. Think about what Christmas really means to you and don’t get caught up in the crazy commercial mayhem of expectation and overspending. Stay in control of your life, your finances and your family, and you’ll stay in control of your health too.
8. Wash your hands – nasty bugs are everywhere in the winter months, but you can cut your chances of catching something by washing your hands regularly or keeping a bottle of hand sanitiser in your bag or briefcase. It’s a great habit to get into, and a minute or two here and there can save you a whole week of feeling lousy.
9. Get a flu jab – the NHS recommends a flu jab if you are over 65, you are pregnant, you suffer from certain medical conditions, or you care for someone else whose welfare is at risk if you fall ill. You can arrange this for free via your GP. If you are not in one of these at risks groups, you may not need a flu jab, but you can opt to have one just in case if you want. They are available for just a few pounds at your local pharmacy.
10. Book a colonic – as colon hydrotherapists, we often see the boost to health and wellbeing that our clients get from having a colonic. It can give you a real sense of energy and avoid that stuffy, stuck winter feeling that can quickly bring you down. Colonics are also a great antidote if you have overdone things at the office party, or over eaten at those endless Christmas dinners.
Your local ARCH registered therapist will be happy to help you to stay healthy this winter, with practical advice and a refreshing treatment. Find your nearest ARCH therapist here and book your winter boost today.